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The Equissage provides a deep-tissue massage, increases circulation, enhances flexibility and suppleness, improves range of motion, eases and tones muscles, and promotes joint mobility and lymphatic drainage.

The unique cycloidal vibration massage provided by the unit is very different from traditional massage. The rhythmic cycloid action penetrates deeply into the soft tissue of the body, creating a series of multi-directional waves that result in a deep three-way massage action. This therapy system has the unique ability to increase circulation through the whole horse as well as to specific areas or injuries. The Back Pad provides a general body treatment, and is great for warming up and relaxing the horse’s muscles before exercise. The Hand Unit and Leg Boot will improve local blood flow to a variety of injuries such as strained muscles, ligaments, tendons, and sore feet.

Equissage Pics Back PadEquissage Pics Hand Unit